The previous years have thought us effective techniques and amazing ideas with regards to boosting Social Media in various social networking platform. Nevertheless, what’s surprising are the biggest social media trends and tips in marketing which 2017 is bound to enhance and intensify for us. Let’s check them out!


  1. Live Video

People had always love how the internet makes new ways in how to make photos, albums, and portfolios appear with distinction. Different networking platforms and applications amplify the users’ images with a new taste. However, mid-2016 had spiced up social media with live streaming and I heard there’s gonna be a whole lot more features this year.

Site Social Networks that have live-streaming

  • Facebook
  • Blab
  • DubSmash
  • Twitter
  • Instagram


  1. Storiesshoot-instagram-story

Unlike live videos, stories like in Insta Stories, Snapchat, and Facebook, stories can vary from photos, texts, and short clips. It served as a fresh way of storytelling in social media promoting creativity and fun at the same time.


  1. Mobile Optimization

Engagement and interaction through mobile were consistently increasing. As mobile apps dominate when it comes to social media, more and more people had spent most of their free time on such networking platforms.  It’s unlikely that this momentum is going to stop, especially as mobile traffic continues to increase and brands like Google keep pushing for further mobile optimization with features like accelerated mobile pages.


  1. Visual Marketing Increases

Visual marketing is a broad word to start with, however, it encompasses a range of media and different types of strategies you can use to boost your online presence.

Here are surprising statistics you should know about Visual Content Marketing in 2017

  1. 37% of marketers said visual marketing was the most important form of content for their business, second only to blogging (38%).
  2. 74% of social media marketers use visual assets in their social media marketing, ahead of blogs (68%) and videos (60%).
  3. When people hear information, they’re likely to remember only 10% of that information three days later. However, if a relevant image is paired with that same information, people retained 65% of the information three days later.
  4. B2C marketers place greater importance on visual content than B2B marketers.
  5. 51% of B2B marketers prioritized creating visual content assets in 2016.


  1. Personalization

Through learning and understanding data, we’ve learned that every person/customer is different from another. Therefore, we shall treat them differently. We need to personalize. Using data to track customers’ behavior is yet the most strategic move. Data is based on facts, however, it takes a thorough analysis and wise strategy for data to solve certain issues.


  1. Content Promotion

From a nutshell, Content Promotion is connecting without being pushy.

The thing is, the Internet is a crowded place. And while your content might be amazing, there’s still a lot of content out there waiting to be discovered.

Content Promotion involves many ways to publicize your output. These may include:

  • Influencer marketing
  • Comment marketing
  • Guest posting
  • Outreach
  • Social Media
  • Paid Promotion
  • Email marketing




6. Marketing Automation

Marketing Automation focuses on moving leads from the top of the marketing funnel through to becoming sales-ready leads at the bottom of the funnel. It involves multiple areas of marketing and is really the marriage of email marketing technology coupled with a structured sales process.


According to Marketing Automation Trends survey, 71% of companies surveyed currently use marketing automation to some extent. Another 23% are not using it now but are planning to in the foreseeable future.

It increases lead generation and improves lead nurturing are the top priorities for 61% and 57% of marketers respectively. The next most important goal is increasing sales revenue.


The trends and tips over the internet continuously develop giving us richer knowledge and perception of understanding our Social media market. Therefore, in order to succeed at reaching and engaging your target market, learn to explore and stay abreast the latest developments and technologies offered for the social. Learn from the past and get ready for what’s coming.




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